By Stella Moore, Account Coordinator, Spring 2021

As a student, one of the more stressful and oftentimes challenging tasks, is putting yourself out there and finding an internship. The spring semester begins and college kids from all different majors and schools start looking for work opportunities. Everyone begins to ask themselves; how do I find job? Where do I even look for a job? Are there specific job opportunities for my major? These taunting questions haunt students for weeks, sometimes even months, until you finally get the job you have been long awaiting.
So, how do you really go about finding the perfect job as a communications student? There is not a concrete answer to this question, but here are a few tips and tricks that can help relieve some stress.
Developing a LinkedIn Profile
The sole purpose of LinkedIn is work! This website allows for individuals, students included, to create and develop a profile, connect with other business professionals and search for jobs. With a matured LinkedIn profile, you will draw employer's attention and allow yourself to gain insight on companies. LinkedIn allows you to add your previous work information, your status at your university, your skills, your accomplishments, your volunteer experience, and much more. Just by indicating that you are a communications student, LinkedIn will guide you to finding jobs in your field.
Create an Account
Another website, different from LinkedIn but also useful for job seekers, is This quite common and engaging site has a plethora of internship openings listed. All you must do is type in what kind of internship you want and internships in your area and of your liking will pop up. will give you a full description of the job based off the job application and employer and oftentimes even tells you how much the pay is.
Apply, Apply, Apply
It is no secret that the only way to get a job is to apply to jobs. The more you apply, the better of a chance you have of getting an interview which leads to the internship of your dreams. While oftentimes time consuming and not your favorite activity, you must find your inner discipline and make yourself apply to the opportunities that appeal to you. With an ample number of companies always looking for interns, it is important that you put yourself out there and not just by applying to one or two jobs, but to multiple. Do not forget, is a reliable away to do so!
Overall, the importance of becoming an intern during your college years has only become more and more influential when finding a job post-graduation. It is significant to remember that every other college student is in the same boat as you. At the end of the day, the three steps to make your search a tad bit easier are: develop you LinkedIn, activate your account and apply as much as possible.